Welcome WSU Advisors! We're glad you're here! The ASCC is here to help. This space id designed to help you have important information at your finger tips. Information regarding New Coug Orientation, connecting advising and career competencies, and advisor onboarding (coming soon).

New student advising will look different for the Pullman campus this fall. Please use the following website to access the New Coug Advising Toolkit, which has everything you need for this Spring’s Early Advising process.

As we continue to support our students in their academic and career journeys, let’s remember that fostering career readiness and transitional skills is an ongoing process. We encourage our students to actively engage in career exploration activities, seek out internships and experiential learning opportunities, and continuously develop their skills and competencies. By incorporating career readiness and transitional skill development into our advising approach and empowering students to take ownership of their professional development, we’re not just preparing them for their first job out of college, but for a lifetime of career success. Together, let’s equip our students with the tools and confidence they need to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of the workforce.

To help address our Cougs’ ever-changing Career Readiness needs and how to understand their transitional skills, we have identified the following resources to assist you and our Cougs in navigating their career development and planning journeys.

As an advisor, guiding your students in understanding career readiness is pivotal to their future success and helping students navigate the transition from academia to the professional world is imperative. By emphasizing the importance of career readiness, you provide them with a roadmap for their career journey and the National Association of College & Employers (NACE) wants to help you do that.

NACE regularly interacts with and surveys companies and industries that recruit recent college graduates. NACE’s research identified eight competencies that are highly valued by these industries and employers. These Competencies are listed below with a short description of each.

It is important to recognize that the skills students develop in their academic pursuits are often highly transferable to the workplace. Critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities honed through coursework and projects are invaluable assets in professional settings. By highlighting the connections between academic achievements and workplace competencies, we empower students to articulate the relevance of their education to prospective employers. Encourage them to reflect on their academic experiences and identify instances where they’ve demonstrated these transferable skills. This not only boosts their confidence but also enhances their ability to market themselves effectively in the job market.

Picture of a brain symbolizing Critical thinking and problem solving
Picture of two square dialog boxes to symbolize communication
A picture of two hands joining together in a handshake to symbolize teamwork and collaboration
Picture of a laptop symbolizing digital literacy
Picture of a mountain with a flag on top symbolizing leadership
a briefcase or satchel symbolizing professionalism
a graduation cap symbolizing career management
A open hand palm up with a person in a small portrait of a person in a round frame symbolizing global and intercultural fluency

Explore strategies for working harmoniously in diverse teams, leveraging individual strengths to achieve common goals.

To gain a better understanding of how these core competencies can help our Cougs please click the link below.

As advisors, understanding the significance of high-impact practices (HIPs) is crucial for guiding our students toward academic and career success. These practices, backed by evidence of significant educational benefits, are instrumental in fostering student development, particularly among historically underserved demographic groups. By encouraging students to participate in HIPs, we empower them to acquire transferable skills highly valued by employers.

Encouraging our students to become involved in activities that cultivate these transferable skills is key to their future success. Washington State University (WSU) offers a diverse range of opportunities for students to engage with high-impact educational practices. From internships and research projects to study abroad programs and service-learning initiatives, WSU provides a wealth of avenues for students to develop the skills and competencies essential for thriving in the workforce.

Recognizing the importance of HIPs and their role in shaping students’ academic and professional trajectories, we, as advisors, play a pivotal role in connecting students with these opportunities. By understanding the impact of HIPs on student learning and career readiness, we can effectively guide our advisees toward engaging in experiences that will not only enrich their academic journey but also enhance their employability and long-term success in the workforce.

To help us understand HIPs American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) has identified 11 HIPs areas, which you can view HERE. Additionally, Hips encompass various teaching and learning methods proven to offer substantial educational advantages, particularly benefiting historically underserved student demographics, and are adaptable based on learner traits and institutional needs

The HIPs we have at WSU

There are many different types of resources that can help your Coug explore their career options during and after college. We have gathered two different collections of resources to help you help them. Sometimes there are resources that we didn’t realize we have access to and this is why we are always working towards helping to provide a platform/area of resources. Additionally, making the connections and how they are transferable from academics to career can be tricky but we are here to help!

Career Readiness

This collection of resources are all about helping your Coug engage in Career Readiness and what that will look like. If you have any questions about how to utilizes these tool please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. We are always happy to connect with you to work though any question to best serve our Cougs!

Coming soon.

The second collection is all about helping your Coug engage in Academic Readiness and what that can look like. Again if you have any questions about how these resources can help your Coug with their Academic Readiness we are here to help.

Featured Articles

Join the New Coug-Specific Networking Platform

Find or offer mentoring. Post or search for a job. Join a group. Explore upcoming events. Visit a Coug-connected business. & more!

By McKenzie Godfrey
McKenzie Godfrey Student Employment Coordinator
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Interested in Public Service Careers?

Check out The Everything Guide to a Career in Public Service by Heather Krasna, Associate Dean, Career Services & Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.  In her article, Dr. Krasna …

By Melanie Kiel
Melanie Kiel Career Coach
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New! Course Advertisement Page

To help have a centralized location for all course advertisements, we have created a site for easy access. This page will be linked to the Advising Community (coming soon).

If you would like to have your class listed on …

By Amanda Morgan
Amanda Morgan Associate Director
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Employee Engagement Survey feedback addressed in impact plans

By RJ Wolcott, WSU News & Media Relations

Plans to address feedback provided in last year’s Employee Engagement Survey are now available for a majority of units and departments across the Washington State University system.

These impact plans, available on the …

By Omar Urbano-Rendon
Omar Urbano-Rendon Employer Relations Coordinator
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Featured Resources

This evaluation form is created with the intent of opening channels of communication between student employees and their supervisors in …

As a college student, you are a target for scammers. They know that you are young, potentially inexperienced, and may …

Contact & Location

(509) 335-6000

Lighty Student Services Rooms 160 - 190
1815 NE Wilson Rd
Pullman, WA

ASCC Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm