Pursuing a college degree is a commitment that we know you as parents and supporters do not take lightlyÂ
The ASCC aids in both Academics and Career. We simplify the process and help create concrete plans to address the challenges that college students face.
From advising and academic success support to career exploration and helping to impress employers we are eager to engage with your students.
Some key stand outs for success to immediately be able to communicate with your students:
Don’t wait to ask for assistance!
Early support is impactful whether it’s tutoring, time management, or study strategies, the sooner the conversation happens the better!
Career starts today!
The college degree remains a bedrock that employers desire and provides many opportunities including vastly increased lifetime earnings.
But! Entry level positions are hardly entry level anymore. Planning, decision-making and completing internships/experiential learning are important steps to begin years ahead of graduation.
Remember there is always support so encourage your students to engage to overcome!