Looking for On-Campus Employment?

Some WSU departments and organizations on campus are HIRING NOW for 2024-2025 positions.

Be proactive in your job search! New jobs have been posted on Handshake, some organizations have advertised employment opportunities from their Instagram pages (example post), and there are even more ways to find jobs on-campus. WSU Pullman library jobs could be posted on Handshake, but students seeking jobs are encouraged to “contact each of the individual library supervisors…to inquire if they are currently accepting applications” (https://libraries.wsu.edu/jobs/).

“How can I keep track of all the different application methods for on-campus employment?”

Our suggestions:

  • Turn on job search notifications on Handshake (tutorial)
  • Connect with organizations you are interested in working for! (follow on Instagram and other social media pages, follow their Handshake employer profile, etc.)
  • If you will be working in-person, visit the site in-person. Network with workers!
  • Attend events that the department or organization host/attend (often on Handshake, you can also regularly find posters around certain departments/offices that also advertise for events)
  • Prepare a competitive application
    • Get your resume reviewed by a career coach
    • Proofread application materials
    • Request feedback on application materials from family, friends, advisors, career coaches, etc.

Of all these suggestions, the most important is arguably to prepare competitive application materials! Regardless of what campus you are on, there are a lot of students looking for flexible, part-time work that they do not have to commute to. There are a lot of benefits to holding jobs during college, and we want to help you succeed.

By McKenzie Godfrey
McKenzie Godfrey Student Employment Coordinator