How Handy is Handshake?

Are you currently searching for a job on-campus or around Pullman, WA? Willing to work remote? Constantly searching for a summer internship near your hometown?

Save time on your job search by “saving your search” and–instead of spending 30 minutes a day looking at jobs you may be interested in–get daily or weekly job posting updates via email! It is as simple as filtering jobs on Handshake with your desired specifications (location, remote, internship, etc.) and clicking a button. After selecting “Save your search,” you will be able to select “Edit your notifications” that appears in place of “Save your search” and determine how you would like to be notified.

Screenshot of Handshake job search. In the top left corner of the search results there is an alert that says "Don't miss out! New jobs are getting added all the time. Save your search and be the first to know."
By McKenzie Godfrey
McKenzie Godfrey Student Employment Coordinator