Introductory Courses at WSU

This is a list of courses that can be used to explore interests in many different majors at WSU!

All these courses and more can be found on to look-up class times.

AG_ED 110 Introduction to Agricultural Education

AMDT 105 Introductory College Seminar in Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles

AMDT 108 Intro to Apparel, Merchandising, Design and Textiles

AMDT 210 [PSCI] Textiles

ANIMAL SCIENCE 101 Introductory Animal Science

ANIMAL SCIENCE 180 Animal Sciences Orientation

ANTHROPOLOGY 101 [DIVR] General Anthropology

ANTH 135 [SSCI] Mythbusting in Archaeology

ANTH 201 [HUM] Art and Society

ANTH 203 [DIVR] Peoples of the World

ANTH 220 [EQJS] Perspectives on Race

ANTH 260 [BSCI] Intro to Biological Anthropology

ART 101 [ARTS] Introduction to Art

ART 101 [ARTS] Introduction to Art

ART 102 [ARTS] Visual Concepts I

ART 103 [ARTS] Visual Concepts II

ART 110 [ARTS] Drawing

ASIA 111 Asian Film

ASIA 121 [HUM] Modern Chinese Culture

ASIA 131 Masterpieces of Asian Literature

ASIA 271 [DIVR] Southeast Asian History: Vietnam to Indonesia

ASTRONOMY 135 [PSCI] Astronomy

ASTRONOM 138 [PSCI] Planets and Planetary Systems

ATHLETIC TRAINING 267 Techniques in Athletic Injuries

B_A 100 Introduction to Business

BIOENGINEERING 140 Intro to Bioengineering

BIOLOGY 101 [BSCI] Biology of Humans

BIOLOGY 102 [BSCI] General Biology

BIOLOGY 106 [BSCI] Introductory Biology: Organismal Biology

BIOLOGY 107 [BSCI] Introductory Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics

BIOLOGY 120 [BSCI] Introductory Botany

BIOLOGY 140 [BSCI] Intro to Nutritional Science

BIOLOGY 210 Your Future in Life Sciences

BIOLOGY 221 Exploring Health Careers

CES 101 [EQJS] Race and Racism in the United States

CES 111 [HUM] Intro to Asian Pacific American Studies

CES 171 [SSCI] Introduction to Indigenous Studies

CES 201 Foundations of Comparative Ethnic Studies

CES 220 [HUM] Introduction to Multicultural Literature

CHE 101 Overview of Chemical Engineering

CHEM 101 [PSCI] Intro to Chemistry

CHEM 103 Concepts in Chemistry

CHEM 105 [PSCI] Principles of Chemistry I

CHINESE 101 First Semester

CHINESE 121 Modern Chinese Culture

COM 101 [SSCI] Media and Society

COM 102 [COMM] Communication in an Information Society

COM 105 [HUM] Communications in Global Context

COM 138 Communication Overview

COM 210 [COMM] Multimedia Content Creation

COMJOUR 150 Intro to Broadcast Equipment

CPT_S 101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

CPT_S 111 [QUAN] Introduction to Computer Programming

CPT_S 121 Program Design and Development

CRM_J 101 [SSCI] Introduction to the Administration of Criminal Justice

CRM_J 201 Intro to Criminological Theory

CRM_J 205 [EQJS] Advancing Justice: Addressing Power and Inequity in the Justice System

CROP SCI/HORT 102 Intro to Cultivated Plants

CST_M 102 Introduction to the Built Environment

DATA 115 Introduction to Data Analytics

DTC 101 [ARTS] Introduction to Digital Technology & Culture

DTC 201 [ARTS] Tools and Methods for Digital Technology

DTC 206 [DIVR] Digital Inclusion

DTC 208 [ARTS] Introduction to Digital Cinema

ECONS 101 [SSCI] Fundamentals of Microeconomics

ECONS 102 [SSCI] Fundamentals of Macroeconomics

ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] College Composition

ENGLISH 108 [HUM] Intro to Literature

ENGLISH 109 [HUM] Creative Writing Now

ENGLISH 110 [HUM] Reading Now

ENGLISH 150 [ARTS] Introduction to Film as Narrative

ENGLISH 201 [WRTG] Writing and Research

ENGLISH 205 [HUM] Intro to Shakespeare

ENGLISH 212 [ARTS] Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels

ENGLISH 219 [HUM] Introduction to the Environmental Humanities

ENGLISH 251 [ARTS] Introduction to Creative Writing: Exploring the Genres

ENGLISH 252 [ARTS] Introduction to Creative Writing and Creative Writing Pedagogy

ENGR 120 Innovation in Design

ENTOM 101 [BSCI] Insects and People: A Perspective

ENTOM 103 [BSCI] Discover Insects: Laboratory for Non-Science Majors

FINANCE 223 [QUAN] Personal Finance

FOR_LANG 120 [HUM] Introduction to Foreign Cultures

FOR_LANG 130 [HUM] Global Literature in Translation

FRENCH 101 First Semester

FRENCH 105 Elementary Conversation

FRENCH 120 [HUM] French Culture

FS 110 Introduction to Food Science

FS 201 [BSCI] Science on Your Plate

GERMAN 101 First Semester

GERMAN 105 Elementary Conversation

H_D 101 [SSCI] Human Development Across the Lifespan

H_D 200 Introduction to the Field of Human Development

H_D 204 [SSCI] Family Interactions

H_D 205 [COMM] Developing Effective Communication and Life Skills

H_D 220 Human Development Theories

HBM 131 Introduction to Hospitality Business Management

HBM 235 [SSCI] Travel, Society, and Business

HISTORY 101 [HUM] Classical and Christian Europe

HISTORY 102 [HUM] Modern Europe

HISTORY 110 [HUM] American History To 1877

HISTORY 111 [HUM] American History Since 1877

HISTORY 120 [DIVR] World History I

HISTORY 121 [HUM] World History II

HISTORY 230 [HUM] Introduction to Latin American History

HISTORY 250 [EQJS] Peoples of the United States

HORT 102 Introduction to Cultivated Plants

HUMANITY 101 [HUM] Humanities in the Ancient World

HUMANITY 103 [HUM] Mythology

I_BUS 280 International Relations and Global Leadership

JAPANESE 101 First Semester

JAPANESE 105 Elementary Conversation 1

KINESIOLOGY 138 Intro to Kinesiology

KINES 162 Foundations of Physics for Sport and Exercise

KINESIOLOGY 199 Human Motor Development

KINES 201 [HUM] Exploring Meaning in Sport and Movement

LND_ARCH 150 [HUM] Landscapes of the Palouse

MATH 103 Algebra Methods and Introduction to Functions

MATH 105 [QUAN] Exploring Mathematics

MATH 106 College Algebra

MATH 140 [QUAN] Calculus for Life Scientists

MATH 171 [QUAN] Calculus I

MATH 201 Mathematics for Business and Economics

MBIOS 101 [BSCI] Introductory Microbiology

MBIOS 138 Molecular Biosciences Seminar

ME 116 Engineering Computer-aided Design and Visualization

MIS 250 Managing Information Technology

MUS 120 [ARTS] Class Guitar

MUSIC 151 Music Fundamentals I

MUSIC 153 [ARTS] Musical Style in Composition

MUSIC 160 [ARTS] Survey of Music Literature

MUS 163 [ARTS] World Music

MUS 164 Introduction to Music Technology

MUSIC 251 Materials and Structures of Music I

MUS 262 [ARTS] Rock Music: History & Social Analysis

MUS 266 [ARTS] Film Music

NEUROSCIENCE 105 [BSCI] Meet Your Brain

PHIL 101 [HUM] Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 103 [HUM] Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 200 [WRTG] Critical Thinking and Writing

PHIL 201 [QUAN] Elementary Logic

PHIL 210 [HUM] Philosophy in Film

PHYSICS 101 [PSCI] General Physics

PHYSICS 150 [PSCI] Physics and Your World

PHYSICS 188 First-Year Seminar I

PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] Physics for Scientists and Engineers I

POL_S 101 [SSCI] American National Government

POL_S 102 [SSCI] Intro to Comparative Politics

POL_S 103 [SSCI] International Politics

POL_S 201 [QUAN] Political Research Methods

PSYCH 105 [SSCI] Introductory Psychology

PSYCH 201 Degrees and Careers in Psychology

PSYCH 210 Psychology as a Science

PSYCH 230 Human Sexuality

PSYCH 265 Biopsychological Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs

SDC 100 [ARTS] World of Design and Construction

SDC 101 New Student Seminar in the School of Design and Construction

SDC 120 Foundational Drawing

SDC 140 Foundation Studio I

SHS 201 American Sign Language I

SHS 205 Intro to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

SOCIOLOGY 101 [SSCI] Intro to Sociology

SOC 102 [SSCI] Social Problems

SOC 103 [COMM] Social Psychology of Communication

SOC 106 Murder and Mass Mayhem in American Society

SOC 245 Sociology of Sport

SOC 251 [DIVR] The Sociology of Sex, Relationships, and Marriage

SOE 100 An Introduction to Our Environment: Geology, Ecology, and Environmental Stewardship

SOE 101 [PSCI] Welcome to the Earth: An Introduction to Geology

SOE 102 Geology for Science Majors

SOE 103 [PSCI] Other Worlds: Comparative Planetology of our Solar System

SOE 105 [PSCI] Natural Resources and Natural Hazards

SOE 110 [BSCI] The Environment, Human Life, and Sustainability

SOE 204 Field Methods for Careers in the Natural Sciences

SOE 210 [PSCI] Earth’s History and Evolution

SOE 230 [PSCI] Introductory Oceanography

SOIL SCIENCE 101 Organic Gardening and Farming

SOIL SCIENCE 201 [BSCI] Soil: A Living System

SPANISH 101 First Semester

SPANISH 105 Elementary Conversation

SPANISH 110 [ARTS] Peninsular Spanish Film

SPANISH 111 [ARTS] Latin American Film

SPMGT 101 [DIVR] Sport and Popular Culture: Trends and Issues

SPMGT 276 Intro of Sport Management

STAT 212 [QUAN] Introduction to Statistical Methods

TEACHING & LEARNING 301 Learning and Development

UNIV 100 College Majors and Career Exploration

VIT_ENOL 113 Introduction to Vines and Wines

WGSS 101 [DIVR] Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WGSS 120 [EQJS] Sex, Race, and Reproduction in Global Health Politics