Congratulations Cougs! You’ve almost reached the end of the semester! While I know a lot of us are excited that summer break is almost here or that graduation is quickly approaching, it’s also normal to feel a little blue this time of year. Along with the stress of finals, come a lot of big changes. Whether you’re graduating or just going home for the summer, it can be difficult to transition away from the routine you’ve been working so hard on perfecting over the course of the entire semester. It’s also difficult to say goodbye to our peers, friends, and roommates that we’ve grown so close with. I’m here to remind you that it’s OKAY to be sad that the semester is ending. You can be excited to submit that last assignment while simultaneously feeling down about it. However, there are some things we can do to combat these “end-of-semester blues” and make the last week of the semester a memorable one.
Create a balance when studying for finals.
It’s easy to get caught up in the anxiety surrounding finals. While this is totally normal, it’s important to give ourselves grace and balance the time we spend studying and having fun. In between study bouts (check out the study cycle!), allow yourself time to do some of the things you love, whether that’s taking a walk, hanging out with your friends, or anything in between. If you find yourself too stressed to take enough time to accomplish these things, integrate them into your studying! Taking your study time outside in picnic-style or reserving a study room with your friends can be just as effective.
Check off things from your bucket list.
Creating a list of things you want to do before the semester ends is an effective way to make sure you have some fun at the end of your semester. Get together with some friends and write down a couple of experiences you all wish to accomplish. This way you’ll have some fun things planned and able to look forward to amid the stress of finals! Plus, checking them off will feel just as satisfying as submitting that last assignment.
Make a plan for the summer.
The transition into summer can be a difficult change. Planning and adding things to your calendar is a simple way to make this transition a little smoother. Remember, you don’t have to know all your summer plans to do this! Even if you’re still looking for a job, internship, or are planning to take the summer off, setting a couple goals and expectations for what you want to accomplish this summer is a good way to set yourself up for success and make the upcoming changes feel more manageable.
Whichever way you choose to combat the end-of-semester blues, make sure you’re taking care of yourself and doing what is true to you! Once again, congratulations on all your hard work and accomplishments this school year. Everyone at the ASCC wishes you a wonderful summer and beyond! And as always, Go Cougs!