Finding Motivation After Spring Break

Welcome back Cougs! I hope everyone had a good Spring Break and got some rest and relaxation time!

Now, before we continue on with our minds focused on summer sun and fun, we still have to finish the semester. Here are some key tips to stay motivated after Spring Break:

Get back to your daily routine and go to class

This may seem like a no brainer, but it can be hard to get back into the swing of things following a break. For many of us, we took the week off, relaxing, maybe spending time with family and friends. Coming back from that break can be difficult, especially if we didn’t stick to our normal sleep schedule. That being said, take this time and really push yourself to get back to your normal routine, waking up and going to sleep at a good time, attending classes, visiting office hours, and setting aside enough time for homework and studying.

Set some goals and make a to do list

With only a handful of weeks left in the semester, it’s super important to figure out what assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams you have coming up. Make a solid to-do list, including deadlines, and make some goals for when you want to have each task finished. This can be in a calendar (physical or digital like Outlook), just noted in your to-do list, or on a whiteboard at home. Make sure you put it somewhere that you will see it and remind yourself of the goals you have set for the rest of the semester.

Don’t procrastinate

Now that you have some goals set, don’t procrastinate on getting started! Even though we may have a few more weeks left, those weeks are going to pass by like the speed of light so get started early! If you normally have trouble procrastinating, lean on your friends for support. Talk to them and make an agreement to be each other’s accountability buddy, helping each other stay on track to meet your goals.

Use your resources and ask for help

Resources, resources, and more resources! This is a point in the semester where we might be struggling in our classes so it’s super important that we are all using our resources. Things like tutoring, office hours, the writing center, academic coaching, academic advising, CAPs, and more! It can be hard to ask for help but know that every resource on campus is here to help YOU!

Reward yourself

Lastly, reward yourself! We are almost done with the semester and are getting closer and closer to some summer fun! Setting up some rewards for yourself can be extra motivating to finish out the semester strong!

Keep up the good work Cougs! We got this!

By Morgan Jernigan
Morgan Jernigan G.A: Academic Coach