Finding Your First Job or Internship

Feeling inexperienced and don’t know where to start while looking for jobs? Have limited employment experiences to put on your resume?

Visit the Academic Success & Career Center

For individualized assistance with resumes, searching for part-time jobs, or finding summer internships, we provide it all! Schedule an appointment on Handshake or drop in to Lighty 180 weekdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

Think Outside the Box

Pullman is a pretty competitive location for finding a job. You may lack the experience to compete with other candidates, and that is okay! We all have to start somewhere.

  1. Be open to jobs you hadn’t considered before. You may not love it for a semester or two, but it provides experience!
  2. Consider remote work. Search Handshake for job opportunities from around the country that are flexible location-wise.
  3. Look into unpaid internships. We know there are financial needs that lead students to seeking out part-time opportunities while in school. If you do not have any work experience, you may need to consider unpaid internships (pretty widely available on Handshake) for a short time in order to gain experience for your resume. Weigh the opportunity costs of gaining experience, lack of income, etc. Check in with the our Internship Coordinator to see if you can get funding because of the unpaid opportunity.
  4. Use your resources! The ASCC, Handshake, networking events within your college, Career Expo & associated events, LinkedIn, etc. Don’t stay stuck.

For more inspiration, check out the article “5 Ways College Students are Landing Internships Right Now.”

By McKenzie Godfrey
McKenzie Godfrey Student Employment Coordinator