Handshake Webinar: Do’s and Don’ts for International Student Job Seeker

Handshake, the Career Fair and Job Platform used by WSU, can also serve as an informative resource for all Cougs. As an international student at WSU, you may find yourself in a unique situation where you are unsure how to utilize this platform to find work opportunities. Luckily, Handshake also offers students helpful articles, blogs, and webinars to support professional development. Recently, Handshake hosted a webinar to engage international students featuring two industry professionals: Anson Tan, President of the University of San Francisco International Student Association and former Deloitte intern, joined Kelly O’Sullivan, Senior Talent Acquisition Associate at AlphaSights. This 45-minute webinar covered some insider tips on how to find employers hiring for international students, pointed out tips regarding job details, and outlined how to have a successful application.

Interested? Watch the full Webinar on YouTube here.

By Aimee Tejeda Lunn
Aimee Tejeda Lunn Employer Relations Manager