How to Make Friends in College 101 

Making friends in college can feel like a challenge for a lot of people, especially if the thought of talking to someone new makes you nervous. But, making friends at school can make the transition into college life much easier, and it’s also the best opportunity to start fresh! You’re in a new place, surrounded by thousands of people that you’ve never met. These are all potential friends you can seek out! 

That sounds overwhelming.  

That’s why I made a guide! I want to help turn the feelings of dread towards making new friends into opportunity and excitement. 

  • Take Initiative 
    • Get to class early and strike up a conversation. Getting to class ten minutes early can give you time to settle in and chat with your fellow classmates. Yes, talking to new people can be scary, but making friends is worth being a little uncomfortable. Comment on a homework assignment, something going on at school, or the score from last week’s game day! 
  • Invite people to hang out.  
    • You shouldn’t wait for others to come to you. Take the initiative and ask people in your classes or residence hall to grab a meal, get ready for a WSU football game together, or head to the gym. Don’t worry–asking people to hang out doesn’t make you look weird or desperate for friends. Putting yourself out there is necessary to build connections, and chances are, other people will appreciate the effort 
  • Go to campus events 
    • You can’t make friends when you’re cooped up in your dorm room all day. Get dressed, take a deep breath, and head to a football game, a dance, a party, or a campus festival. There could be lots of potential friends at these events. Plus, staying up to date with campus events can give you more to talk about with your peers. 
  • Do your homework in social spaces. 
    • Of course, during exam time you may need to buckle down at the library, but in calmer times, try doing your homework in the student union or a coffee shop. Sit down next to a friendly-looking student and start a conversation. 
  • Say yes to invitations.  
    • If someone invites you to coffee, lunch, or a party, say yes! While you shouldn’t do anything that goes against your value system, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone to meet new people. 
  • Join a club.  
    • Check with the Office of Student Engagement or your college’s website to see your options. You’ll probably find academic clubs, pre-professional clubs, cultural clubs, performing arts clubs, and volunteer clubs. Join one that sounds cool, and get ready to meet lots of people with common interests 
    • Check out some of the WSU Student Organizations here:  
  • Join a fraternity or sorority.  
    • Greek organizations are not for everyone, but they can offer a great sense of community. Consider rushing if this community appeals to you. Remember, if you don’t like it, you can always deactivate 
  • Be open to people different than you.  
    • College is a time to meet people with different backgrounds and identities. Don’t write someone off just because they aren’t similar to you or your high school friends. Keep an open mind, and you just might find a new best friend 
  • Stay true to yourself.  
    • You’ve probably heard this one countless times, but it bears repeating. After all, everyone is eager to make new friends quickly in college, so they may alter themselves to try to fit in. However, forcing a friendship usually doesn’t work out so well. Be yourself for genuine, lasting connections 

Although meeting people can seem scary at first, it is worth the effort and is a big part of your education. Knowing how to make friends in college will make your time in school a lot more fun. You will build lasting friendships and positive connections. So, smile and say hello — you might meet your new best friend! 

By Bailey Kopp
Bailey Kopp GA: Academic Coach