Getting on Track to Rock Your Semester!

Welcome Back Cougs! I hope you had a wonderful Summer break and had some time to rest and refresh for the Fall Semester!

It’s important to start your semester off right by getting into the groove of your new routine! Planning out your week and your days can help you get into a good routine and ready to take on the semester!

Starting a new semester can be difficult with having to adjust to new classes and a new routine. That’s why it’s so important to make those adjustments in the first few weeks of the semester, before you get busy with course assignments.

Tips to help create your schedule:

  1. Find a planner/calendar that works for you! It could be a physical planner so you can write out your week, or it could be a digital calendar where you can list your classes, work shifts, homework time, and self-care (i.e., outlook, google calendar, etc.). Find what works for you and stick to it!
  2. Set aside time, not only for homework, but for studying as well! We often forget that studying needs to be consistent and scheduled throughout each week rather than cramming last minute before exams. Scheduling a little time for each class each week can go a long way in final grades.
  3. Don’t forget to schedule in some self-care as well! Being in college is a lot of work, stress, and time. That’s why it’s so important to remember to take care of yourself and do something that you enjoy! Schedule in some time with friends, an afternoon to read your favorite book, or even treat yourself to a nice facemask! You deserve it!

I know starting a new semester can be overwhelming but you can do this! If you need any help setting up your schedule, you can meet with an Academic Success Coach in the ASCC! Call our office [(509) 335-6000] to set up an appointment today!

And remember, you got this! Go Cougs!

By Morgan Jernigan
Morgan Jernigan G.A: Academic Coach