How to do well on an exam

In this blog, we’ll go over the exam-taking process and how to avoid common exam mistakes. These essential tips can help you add a significant number of points that many students lose on exams due to a lack of proper preparation or strategizing.

1. Read the questions carefully

Many students will take the exam with the intention of finishing it quickly rather than completing it carefully. Rushing through an exam is a mistake, as you may miss hidden answers or key information. It is best to pace yourself and read the exam/questions carefully. Before answering, fully comprehend what is being asked first. Then, by applying previous knowledge and conceptual understanding, you can answer fully while limiting possible errors.

2. Answer the easy questions first

When it comes to exams, there is usually a time constraint. You don’t always have the luxury to dwell on a problem until you figure it out. As a result, prioritizing the easy questions is critical for managing your time while taking the exam. This strategy maximizes your ability to get the most credit/points possible.

3. Use the process of elimination

When it comes to multiple choice questions, failing to use the elimination process can cause you to lose time, especially when the answer is not obvious. Instead of looking for the correct answers first, look for the answers that are completely incorrect or irrelevant to the question. It will assist you in speeding up your thought processes and avoiding incorrect answers.

4. Check your time

Time management is essential while taking an exam. If you don’t want to end up with 5 minutes left on your test and 5 questions still unanswered, you should pay attention to your time. Take a few moments before the exam to assess the situation. Set goals for yourself and plan to answer all the easy questions first—and then stick to it.

5. Check the last page of the exam

This is extremely important! You don’t want to miss out on five questions at the end because you did not realize there was a last page with two sides. Check both front and back of the last page, always!




By Ricky Thai
Ricky Thai Student Employment Coordinator